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Pipeline Coverage measures the ratio of the total value of open opportunities to the revenue target or quota.


Pipeline Coverage

Late Stage Pipeline Conversion evaluates the percentage of prospects or pipeline value that hits “Late Stage” in the sales funnel that convert into paying customers.


Late Stage Pipeline Conversion Rate

Pipeline Creation measures how many new sales opportunities are being added to your sales pipeline over a specific period of time.


Pipeline Creation

Early to Late Stage Pipeline Conversion Rate measures the effectiveness of converting leads or opportunities from the early stages of the sales pipeline to the later stages.


Early to Late Stage Pipeline Conversion Rate

Pipeline Conversion Rate measures the percentage of prospects or opportunity dollars that progress successfully through the sales pipeline and convert into paying customers.


Pipeline Conversion Rate

Average Days in Stage measures the average number of days a sales opportunity or lead remains in a specific stage. It reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of moving prospects through the various stages of your marketing and sales funnels.


Average Days in Stage

Expansion Bookings refer to the bookings generated from existing customers who are expanding usage, upgrading subscriptions or purchasing additional features.


Expansion Bookings

Commission Payout vs. Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) reflects the proportion of revenue that goes toward compensating the sales team.


Commission Payout vs. ARR

Sales CAC measures the cost incurred by the sales team to acquire a new customer.


Sales CAC

New Logo Bookings as a Percentage of Total Bookings helps assess the contribution of new customer acquisitions to the overall sales performance. 


New Logo Bookings as a Percentage of Total Bookings

New Logo Bookings typically refer to the revenue or sales generated from acquiring new customers or clients.


New Logo Bookings

Total bookings refer to the total value of customer orders or contracts closed within a specific period.


Total Bookings


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